Software Tools

Do one thing well, and work together.


with 6 comments

Discuss programming as theory building” republishes major articles, reprints leading discussion, and collects erudite comment on the theory-building view of software programming.

Study Haskell” presents, as a noweb literate program, solutions to exercises in Real World Haskell with tests, supporting text (for methods new to me), and some commentary.

Plan 9 port” collects, as a noweb literate program, rc scripts and other artifacts as I start to learn about Plan 9. Some of these end up as contributions to Russ Cox’ plan9port.

A screen-efficient Twitter client” mocks up a design which displays one tweet at a time across a variety of searches or user groups, or a page full of tweets for one search or user group.

Written by catena

29 March 2009 at 0150

6 Responses

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  1. Hi,
    I am a newbie to latex, and was wondering if I could please get to see the .tex file for these sample papers you wrote? Also if you have something for a thesis that you wouldn’t mind sharing then that would be awesome!



    19 May 2010 at 0401

  2. @Cbro These are based on , a Edward Tufte inspired LaTeX class. It’s great!

  3. I know this is way late, but I’ve recently adopted the tufte-latex class and would like to mimic the look of your document titles (all-caps sans-serif, etc.) rather than the default styles in tufte-handout. Any hints would be appreciated, thanks!


    20 August 2015 at 1515

  4. […] Some papers by Jason Catena using the handout class […]

  5. The papers are missing from Dropbox

    Peter Goodall

    5 May 2017 at 0617

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